
EQ: The Secret Power of High Performers

Unlock Your Potential With The EQ Advantage

It’s time to get paid more, get promoted faster, and feel more confident.

Did you know that . . .

  • 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence (EQ)?
  • people with high EQ get promoted faster than others?
  • higher EQ = higher chance of a raise?

No matter how you look at it, EQ is critical for navigating office politics, building strong relationships, and thriving in today’s workplace.

Developing your emotional intelligence is

And getting started is easy with my one-hour course.

Here's a quick message from Leila

Why Improving Your Emotional Intelligence is a Game-Changer

In just one hour, you’ll learn about:

  1. Enhanced conflict resolution & effective leadership: handle disagreements constructively and inspire others. Become a more effective leader/team player.
  2. Stronger relationships & better communication: you’ll better understand others’ emotions, fostering empathy and leading to more productive discussions. 
  3. Reduced stress & improved well-being: you can navigate stressful situations with greater ease, leading to a more “We’re figuring this out” vs. “What the heck?!”

Imagine being able to manage your emotions to influence authentically, build bridges with colleagues, and conquer challenging situations with newfound confidence and control. 

Are you ready to take control of your career and your own emotional intelligence?

Sign up today, and let’s get started!

In this mini-course, you'll:

  • #1. Identify the signs of high & low EQ in yourself & others
  • #2. Create a list of your hot buttons: the things that drive you crazy at work
  • #3. Focus on strategic thinking & avoid being hijacked by a “gut” reaction
  • #4. Exercise self-control yet express yourself passionately & authentically
  • #5. Create an action plan to keep your learning going

This mini-course is a must   for you if . . .

You're an individual contributor looking to make a bigger impact in your work.

You're an aspiring manager looking to level up your leadership skills.

You're a seasoned professional seeking to hone your leadership and team skills.

Got questions? I've got answers.

Yes! This is a self-guided mini-course that allows you to go through the training when you want. You get instant access.

Although this mini-course is self guided, when you have questions, you can email me. I’ll reply with text OR audio or video. Think about getting access to a coach like this? That’s unheard. In addition, all students are invited to monthly office hours. 

You’ll have access to this course for an entire year. And my goal is to have you complete the course. I will send you reminders to continue your learning. 

Yes! Email me, and I’ll share how I can help. I also offer ongoing discounts to non-profits.  Provide your 501(c)(3) status and a brief description of your mission (excluding religious and political activities). Please note that the summer flash sale is the lowest price I will offer, so additional discounts would not apply.

No. This is the lowest price I’ll ever offer for this course. I will have Black Friday specials in November 2024, but the price will be higher. This is as low as it goes. Cross my heart. ❤️

Why you can trust me & how I can help

Over the past 25+ years, I’ve built a reputation as an executive coach with an uncanny ability to make “soft” skills tangible.

My passion (and superpower) is making leadership skills practical and easy to implement. My signature style is 15-minute lessons.

I’m a leadership expert who has:

  • Coached and trained 25k+ people in person
  • Led webinars during the pandemic with over 95K in attendance
  • Been featured in the WSJ, TheEconomist.com, and the BBC

I know how to help leaders develop awesome managers and lead with ease themselves.

And I love sharing my expertise. 

See you there!

Ready to Get Started Now?

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© Awesome Leader 2024